Ppp Energy Dispute A Litmus Test For The Gnu - Cape Chamber Ceo

45 Days(s) Ago    👁 75
ppp energy dispute a litmus test for the gnu cape chamber ceo

A brewing dispute over energy distribution licenses could be an early litmus test for the Government of National Unity's (GNU) stated commitment to economic reform and public-private partnership, says John Lawson, chief executive officer of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

In an article published on the Chamber's website, Lawson refers to a news report whereby Eskom is calling on the National Energy Regulator of SA (Nersa) to reject applications for private trading in energy production.

Eskom reportedly told Nersa that current legislation only provides for a single supplier of power in any given area.

No doubt Eskom finds this legislative arrangement if it pertains rather convenient given its market position, Lawson writes.

But maintaining the status quo of Eskom domination would be a decade-long setback for just about everybody else except Eskom, particularly the poor who are most affected by the soaring electricity tariff.

Lawson stresses that liberalising the energy generation and distribution market, according to experts, would be a massive tonic for the economy, evidenced by the sizeable investments already made.

Private energy stakeholders say government needs to make a clear distinction between contracts for energy capacity and usage of the transmission network. Misplaced concerns about duplicating physical infrastructure should not be used as a ruse to prevent private players from entering the market.

The issue is particularly significant given the potential massive investment in the energy market, and the need for possible customers to shop around for affordable and sustainable energy sources.

Lawson adds that the GNU should appreciate how local energy systems allow for a strengthened circular economy, where prosumers, those who benefit from self-generation for self-consumption, can freely trade energy via local distribution networks while acting as good-grid citizens to support a strong stable national grid.

Both at the technical and economic level, local energy systems are the foundation of the shift to a fair and inclusive clean energy system.

Power engineering organisations are preparing electrical standards to allow for the millions of local and community energy systems to form the foundation of a future smart grid. As these technologies align, our government must take advantage and lead a paradigm shift forward towards a Ssmart grid for all.

Bringing his argument closer to home, Lawson says energy reform has particular relevance to the Western Cape, given the provinces burgeoning renewable energy sector, which has huge job creation potential.

The province has already seen huge investment and innovation in this space.

The regional economy would also see immediate benefit from accelerated public-private partnership, particularly in the logistics sector.

Governments approach to energy reform could give a clear indication as to its overall willingness to allow more private sector participation in key areas of economic activity, previously the preserve of state-owned enterprises, said Lawson.

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