Pop Culture's Party Bad Boy Diddy, Now Sits Behind Bars Pending Trial

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pop cultures party bad boy diddy now sits behind bars pending trial

For decades, Diddy and his myriad aliases loomed large in pop culture as an impeccably dressed rap magnate who reigned over lavish parties and media boardrooms with class and confidence.

Tuesday threw his remarkable fall into stark relief: the artist born Sean Combs appeared on the 26th floor of Manhattan federal court in a t-shirt and sweatpants, looking underslept as he was denied bail on sex abuse and conspiracy charges that could send him to prison for life.

Prosecutors say the 54-year-old was the don of a criminal enterprise that ensnared women and forced them to commit sex acts under the threat of violence, financial insecurity and reputational ruin.

The highly publicized proceedings on Tuesday began with a swift 'not guilty' plea from Combs, who sat solemnly between his lawyers as at least a half-dozen family members and other entourage members watched from the packed courtroom.

But the detention hearing that followed his arraignment lasted well over an hour and offered a glimpse into the case prosecutors aim to put him away with -- and the defense his team will pin his freedom on.