Poorer Nations Faster To Adopt Generative Ai

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poorer nations faster to adopt generative ai

This is according to the AI at Work: Friend and Foe survey by Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

"There is massive confidence - above average - in India, Brazil, Nigeria and South Africa. This is something that has been confirmed by our own experience when we deploy these [gen AI] tools in different companies," said Sylvian Duranton, global leader of BCG X, the technology and design division of BCG, in a webinar on Wednesday.

"There is much less resistance and much more appetite to discover, use, learn and be trained [on gen AI] in the Global South than what we see in the Global North."

According to the survey, 86% of business leaders from developing countries regularly use generative AI at work, versus 80% of business leaders in developed markets. The disparities among managers are even greater, with 71% of managers from developing nations reporting that they use generative AI regularly, and only 50% of their compatriots from developed markets reporting the same.

Although 79% of local respondents agreed that gen AI will transform jobs in the next decade, only 35% (42% globally) believe that their job might not exist in the next 10 years.