Police On The Hunt For Source Of Assault Rifles In W Cape

13 Days(s) Ago    👁 38
police on the hunt for source of assault rifles in w cape

Western Cape Police Commissioner Thembisile Patekile says they are following up on the source of a growing number of assault rifles such as AK47s in the province.

Several weapons were recovered at crime scenes or stop and search operations recently.

Patekile says the country does not manufacture nor license the use of such weapons.

Some neighbouring countries they use these guns as official firearms. We dont say they are coming from there but we are not saying they are not coming from there either. We know of many of the guns that some countries lost and which we found here in South Africa and what comes to mind is the Namibian firearms that we got here. And its close to 90 that we recovered.

An arsenal of weapons found in specialised operation