Plett Airport Plans A Comeback

9 Days(s) Ago    👁 58
plett airport plans a comeback

Garden Route AERO (GRA) has ambitious plans for Plettenberg Bay Airport to achieve a Category 6 airport licence, which would allow it to accept flights operated by larger aircraft, such as the B737-300, A318 and A319.

But for Miles van der Molen , CEO of CemAir the only airline that has operated commercial flights to the airport for many years the airport has yet to address basic repairs that could reinstate its original Category 4 licence, which would enable domestic airlines like CemAir to conduct commercial operations at the airport.

Van der Molen said the airline had yet to hear any updates about repairs to Plettenberg Bay Airports infrastructure, after the abrupt July 31 closure of the facility when the CAA suspended its licence, as reported in Travel News .

We really don't know what timelines look like on anything. Our decision to go back (to Plettenberg Bay Airport) will be based on how long it takes to restore the (Category 4) licence. If it's restored in short order, then it'd be worth going back.

He said last week that he had had no communication about progress or when the airport would receive its airport licence.