Pics: Vw Polo Stolen In Limpopo Crashes In Mpumalanga While Fleeing From Chain Store Robbery

12 Hour(s) Ago    👁 38

A 45-year-old man was arrested shortly after a business robbery was reported at a chain store in Carolina, Mpumalanga.

The robbery incident happened on Tuesday, according to provincial police spokesperson, Colonel Donald Mdhluli.

According to information, four suspects held the store employees at gunpoint whilst helping themselves with cash, cellphones, and other items from the shop. The fifth suspect was reportedly waiting inside a gateway vehicle, he said.

After they completed their criminal activities, they all stormed into the vehicle, a grey Volkswagen Polo, then fled the scene.

The White River flying squad unit, the White River K9 unit, a vehicle tracking company, as well as private security companies engaged in a pursuit of the robbers.