Pick-up Loads The Difference Between Theft And Robbery

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pickup loads the difference between theft and robbery
What is the best way for users of pick-ups or double cabs to secure luggage against weather or theft? Baji There are four main options One Store relatively small but precious goods in the passenger compartment. As discreetly as possible, e.g. behind the backrest of a bench seat. Two Fit a "tailored" tonneau cover over the load-bed. This will defend against dirt and weather and act as a deterrent against theft, but a plastic or fabric cover will not keep a determined villain out for long. Very expensive Kevlar or a heavy steel sheet would be more of a challenge-and a nuisance to the user, too. But the tarpaulin option is light and relatively inexpensive. Three Fit a fibreglass canopy over the load-bed. Unless this is very well engineered, it may be less secure against thieves than the passenger compartment, but more secure than a tarpaulin. Four Bolt a large and lockable 'strongbox" to the load bed immediately behind the passenger compartment bulkhead. A tin trunk would be better than nothing, but preferably the box should be made of steel plate and have a lock that is not vulnerable to a sledgehammer. Waterproofing is important. The position should cause least disturbance to the cargo area and puts the weight where it belongs - low down and in front of the rear wheels. The three load bed options all have a cost, add weight, and can involve a bit of extra hassle. But although they do not turn your vehicle into an impregnable "armoured" unit, any deterrent comes with a message to any invader Simply snatching something from an open load-bed is "theft"- a relatively minor offence. Taking the same item in the same place after slashing a cover or smashing a canopy or strongbox is "breaking and entering" robbery, not theft, which carries a much more severe penalty. ?gavin.bennettafricaonline.co.ke