Philippi Man Drowns At Tableview Beach, Despite Nsri Rescue Efforts
National Sea Rescue Institute NSRI Melkbosstrand duty crew and the City of Cape Town water rescue network were activated after a drowning in progress was reported at Tableview Beach front at 12:34pm on Wednesday, 1 January,
Respondents to the drowning included NSRI rescue swimmers, CoCT lifeguards, Big Bay Surf Lifesaving BBSL lifeguards, CoCT Law Enforcement, the SAPS, ER24 ambulance services, Netcare 911 ambulance services, Cape Town Fire and Rescue Services, WC Government Health EMS, Police Water Policing and Diving Services WPDS and the Cape Town Disaster Risk Management DRM.
This is according to Hein Kohne, NSRI Melkbosstrand station commander.
In addition, West Coast coast watchers were alerted, and the EMS/AMS Skymed rescue helicopter was placed on alert by EMS Metro Control, according to a press statement issued by the NSRI .
A BBSL Inflatable Rescue Boat IRB and an NSRI Melkbosstrand JetRib rescue craft were also launched.