People Urged To Be Cautious When Performing Rituals In Rivers

People intending to perform religious and traditional rituals in rivers and streams should be extra cautious as they are filled following the recent heavy rains.

The South African Weather Service SAWS has issued a level 4 warning for heavy rainfall today that may lead to flash floods.

There have been a number of incidents where people have been swept away by raging water in rivers and streams whilst performing rituals.

City of Ekurhuleni Emergency spokesperson William Ntladi says, Those performing religious or traditional rituals in the river or streams need to be cautious as all rivers and streams around the city are filled and are expected to be filled to capacity after heavy downpours as anticipated.

He adds: So in such, a result drowning is eminent for those who will be performing those rituals. We would like to plead with everyone to use the number 011 458 0911 to activate rescue teams within the city.