Party Of One: Restaurants Are Catering To A Growing Number Of Solo Diners

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party of one restaurants are catering to a growing number of solo diners

Parisa Imanirad, a scientist and cancer researcher from San Francisco, is married and has a wide circle of friends. But once or twice a week, she goes to a restaurant by herself.

Imanirad said dining alone gives her time to think or read. She tries not to touch her phone and relishes the silence. "It's like a spa, but a different type," Imanirad said during a recent solo lunch at Spruce, an upscale restaurant in San Francisco.

Imanirad isn't alone in her desire to be alone . In the U.S., solo dining reservations have risen 29% over the last two years, according to OpenTable, the restaurant reservation site. They're up 18% this year in Germany and 14% in the United Kingdom.

Japan even has a special term for solo dining: "ohitorisama," which means "alone" but with honorifics spoken both before and after the word to make parties of one feel less hesitant. In a recent survey, Japan's Hot Pepper Gourmet Eating Out Research Institute found that 23% of Japanese people eat out alone, up from 18% in 2018.

As a result, many restaurants in Japan and elsewhere are redoing their seating, changing their menus and adding other special touches to appeal to solo diners.