Parliament Committee Questions Free States Housing Spend

parliament committee questions free states housing spend

Parliaments Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements says it is not satisfied with the way the Free State government is spending its housing infrastructure funding.

Part of the funding has been spent on houses for military veterans.

The committee says it suspects corruption in some housing projects in the Mangaung Metro in Bloemfontein.

It says it has found discrepancies in the reports that the metro and the provincial Human Settlements Department have submitted.

The committees chairperson Nocks Seabi says, The way we found things being done here creates problems for us as Members of Parliament. There's no consequence management, of course we understand that the leadership in terms of the accounting officer, the HOD is new but he promised that he will follow up on issues. We have people who have complained to us about non-payment, they have built houses but the department is not paying them.