Opinion: Why Do Bok Coaches Fear Calling Their Back-up Brigade A B Side?

62 Days(s) Ago    👁 67
opinion why do bok coaches fear calling their backup brigade a b side

One of the strangest things I have found about the Springbok coaches and management team is their insistence on not calling their back-up players a second string or B team.

Whenever they make sweeping changes to their side for certain games, like they did for this weekends clash against Portugal , they always defend their team saying they are all first team players when they are clearly not.

Coach Rassie Erasmus was asked at Tuesdays team announcement press conference whether he believed this could be considered a B team, with him replying with an emphatic no.

He also said that the team named for Portugal would have given Ireland a tight Test, and compared a number of players with each other, trying to show how tight it is to choose between certain players.

But is Erasmus right? Would this team be able to give the Irish a run for their money? I dont believe so. Maybe if Ireland played a really bad game, it could be tight, but if they played well I think they would beat this latest Bok team comfortably.