Opinion: In Defence Of The Natal Indian Congress And Its Role In Our Future

5 Hour(s) Ago    👁 27
opinion in defence of the natal indian congress and its role in our future

I am writing in response to your article entitled: Does the Natal Indian Congress have a role in the future South Africa we want and deserve?

Ela Gandhi is not being used as you seem to suggest, and Phoenix Settlement is far from being in a sorry state. Ms Gandhi is convening the celebration of 120 years of Phoenix Settlement, Gandhis first ashram.

It is not only a museum and tourist attraction but also a place of service and a living legacy to Gandhian ideas. The local community are present at Phoenix Settlement almost daily. They come by for computer classes, reading groups for children on Saturdays, sewing and handicraft activities as well as post-traumatic stress counselling after major events like the unrest of July 2021, the 2022 floods, the tornado-like event and crime in the area.

Community members are regular participants at events, many of which are tailor-made to address their needs for example a careers day, focus on gender-based violence (GBV) and crime, self-sustainability and many other events.

Phoenix Settlement and the Gandhi Development Trust produce a monthly newsletter and an annual report. The annual report includes the annual audited financial statement that details the sources of income. They are available online and will require only a few moments of your time to conduct thorough research before writing an article that misrepresents and misleads. Better still why not conduct an impromptu visit to the Settlement and see for yourself.