On Your Marks, Get Ready, Set, Go Vote!

101 Days(s) Ago    👁 48
on your marks get ready set go vote

My fellow South Africans, the time has come to cast your vote.

Today, you will be one of 27,672,264 voters queuing up at voting stations around the country, all hoping their X will make a difference in not only their lives but the ones around them.

Voting stations will be opened from 7am.

The Electoral Commission (IEC) says its ready to take lessons learnt from the two days of Special Votes to ensure residents can cast their vote with ease.

The IEC said the network of 23,292 voting stations will open for voting at 7am and close at 9pm. It is important to emphasise that eligible voters who will be at the voting station at 9pm will be allowed to vote and not turned away.

Police and various law enforcement agencies will be on high alert to ensure a smooth and violence-free election.

Despite reports of protests, blockades and looting reported in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, the South African Police Service (SAPS) says extra manpower has been deployed to these areas.

More than 700 Public Order Policing officers will add to the existing capacity of members currently deployed in these provinces, to ensure that voting takes place in a safe and secure environment, police said.

What to expect:

You will be given three ballot papers .

National Compensatory ballot: This ballot is the same across the country and it only features political parties contesting for seats in the National Assembly.

National Regional ballot: This ballot is specific to your voting region and includes the candidates running for the National Assembly who represent your area.

Provincial Legislature ballot: This ballot is unique to the province you reside in and will include parties and independent candidates competing for seats in your provincial legislature.

The ballot papers each voter will receive. Picture: IEC

Here are tips to survive voting day:

Stay hydrated and warm Pack some snacks Carry along a book or your earphones to avoid getting bored Make sure your cellphone is fully charged Dont forget to carry your green barcode ID or smart ID card with you.

The right to vote is an important political right enshrined in the Bill of Rights. It is a key component of our democratic society as it allows citizens to participate in the political process and have a say in who governs them.