northern cape r1bn housing project construction underway mec vass

Northern Cape R1bn Housing Project Construction Underway: Mec Vass

Northern Cape Human Settlements MEC Bentley Vass says the construction of houses in the national governments R1 billion housing project has started.

President Cyril Ramaphosa launched the project last year.

The aim of the project is to address the provinces housing backlog which is estimated to be around 60 000.

Vass was speaking ahead of Premier Saul Zamanis State of the Province Address at the Mittah Seperepere Convention Centre in Kimberley.

As we speak, we have appointed 18 contractors across the province to start with construction and construction is underway. Soon you will see that we will hand over houses to community members because for us its important that we give housing to the people of the Northern Cape but also one of the challenges we encounter is one, in terms of our budget, you must remember that its something we said as a province that we are not going to complain about it forever, we have to find other ways to deliver service delivery. But we are sitting with a challenge in terms of our budget which makes it difficult in some areas, but we are pushing. What I can confidently say is that soon people will see progress.