new venture to strengthen africaindia tourism ties

New Venture To Strengthen Africa-india Tourism Ties

A new venture, India Indaba, has been launched to help African tourism brands expand their footprint in India, capitalising on the potential offered by South Africas recently introduced Trusted Tour Operator Scheme TTOS.

India Indaba aims to bridge the gap between African tourism brands and Indias leading tour operators and travel agents. The venture will offer tailored sales, public relations, digital marketing, event solutions and market insights.

The initiative is spearheaded by Jon Danks , former Chair of Star Alliance UK Marketing and ex-CEO of the African Travel and Tourism Association, alongside Pranav Kapadia , Founder and Director of Global Destinations.

Danks, who attended OTM Indias leading travel trade show in Mumbai between January 30 and February 1 to strengthen ties with Indian operators, emphasised that Africa is increasingly capturing the interest of Indian travellers.

Compared to last year, visually, it is evident there is a much stronger presence here of operators from Tanzania and new, fresh investment from Uganda. For South Africa, a simplified visa process through the TTOS, coupled with stronger airlift connections, has potential to drive unparalleled growth, which inevitably has a halo effect on the entire region.