Mtn, Led By Zimbabwean Exec Ralph Mupita Faces Revived $4-billion Bribery Case

19 Days(s) Ago    👁 163
mtn led by zimbabwean exec ralph mupita faces revived 4billion bribery case

Turkcell, a leading telecommunications company, will return to court next week to continue its long-running legal battle against South Africa's MTN Group led by Zimbabwean executive Ralph Mupita.

The case involves allegations that MTN engaged in bribery and corruption to secure a telecoms license in Iran in 2005. Turkcell claims that MTN unlawfully obtained the license by paying bribes and other inducements, and seeks at least R75 billion ($4 billion) in damages.

Legal battle continues

The Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein will hear Turkcell's appeal on Monday and Tuesday. Turkcell argues that a 2022 decision by the high court in Gauteng, which stated that South African courts lack jurisdiction over the case, was incorrect.

This ruling was a setback for Turkcell, but the company continues to push forward. MTN considered the judgment a victory and believed it marked the end of the dispute.