moz ports excel in the face of adversity

Moz Ports Excel In The Face Of Adversity

Mozambican ports together managed 70 170 tonnes of cargo in 2024, heralding a 10.7 increase compared with the 63 361 tonnes handled in 2023.

Agncia Lusa reports that this growth occurred despite a decline in activity at the Port of Maputo.

Although logistics were severely impacted by last years political unrest following disputed election results in October, Maputo still accounted for nearly half of the total cargo volume moved through Mozambiques ports.

Data from the government indicates that the ports of Beira and Nacala experienced growth rates of 12.9 and 13.6, respectively, while Maputo saw a slight decrease of 0.3.

The overall improvement in port performance was attributed to factors such as increased handling of fuel, wheat and fertilizers, growing demand, diversion of cargo from other regional ports, enhanced handling capacity, and improved operational efficiency.

Smaller ports also contributed significantly, with Nacala-a-Velha reporting a 33.4 increase, Topuito growing by 9.8, Quelimane by 32.5, Mocmboa da Praia by an exceptional 1 036.4, albeit off a low base, and Pemba by 14.7.

Maputos cargo volume dropped to 30.9 million tonnes in 2024 due to post-election unrest, including road blockades and border closures that disrupted operations in the Maputo corridor.

The rail connection between South Africa and Mozambique was also affected by protests and a derailment that temporarily halted service.

Despite these challenges, concessionaire Maputo Port Development Company highlighted the port's resilience and adaptability under difficult conditions.

The unrest following the October elections led to over 300 fatalities, more than 700 injuries, and widespread damage to infrastructure caused by looting and violent clashes with law enforcement.

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