Moz Border Shenanigans Deter Travellers

14 Days(s) Ago    👁 63
moz border shenanigans deter travellers

Although Mozambiques tourism industry is recovering, unlawful practices at its borders and on roads are deterring travellers driving to the country.

Figures released at the FIKANI International Tourism Expo revealed a 10% increase in tourism over 2023, but bribery, fake passport stamps and intimidation tactics discourage South Africans from embarking on the popular outbound road trip

Mozambique is at a crossroads in its efforts to revitalise tourism, with challenges at its borders significantly impacting the experiences of incoming travellers. Among these challenges are bribery and extortion, practices that not only create obstacles but also foster a climate of intimidation, says Sarah Bezuidenhout , Travel Manager and Senior Consultant at Go 2 Travel Alliance.

According to Bezuidenhout, South Africans driving into Mozambique face further complications when they encounter self-appointed agents who intimidate drivers into paying additional taxes ( bribes) along the road between the Ressano Garcia border post and the main cities.

Threats of confiscation of vehicles and accusations that vehicles are stolen are often issued to intimidate travellers into paying up.