Morocco Stops Migration Attempt Into Spanish Enclave Of Ceuta

2 Days(s) Ago    👁 53
morocco stops migration attempt into spanish enclave of ceuta

Moroccan security forces stopped groups of people who sought to force their way across the border into Spain's North African enclave of Ceuta following a call on social networks for a mass migration attempt, authorities said.

Some attempted to breach a border fence that has long been a flashpoint for sporadic migration tensions, but none successfully made it into Spain, the Spanish Interior Ministry said Monday. It said Spanish and Moroccan security efforts over recent days "allowed the situation to be brought under control."

Online messages in recent days had called for people to head for Ceuta on Sunday to cross the border into Europe. Videos posted by local networks showed groups of people in the hills around the Moroccan border town of Fnideq, and a heightened Moroccan security presence, including helicopters.

Moroccan authorities also arrested 60 people suspected of inciting a mass migration attempt on social networks, Moroccan intelligence agency DGSN said in a Facebook post.

On Monday, scores of security personnel were deployed to the area. Groups of people, who had heeded the calls on social media to breach the border fence and reach Spain, dispersed. Still, some attempted to cross but were thwarted by security forces that maintained a strong presence on land and sea along the border at Ceuta, activists said.