More Air Access Needed To Boost Kzn Resorts

While KwaZulu-Natal has opened the gates on development of all-inclusive resorts - such as South Africas first Club Med on the North Coast and the Blue Marlin All-Inclusive Seascape, recently opened on the South Coast - there are questions over the accessibility of these resorts for international visitors.
To give these resorts true international appeal, KZN needs more international airlift into Durbans King Shaka International Airport.
Provincial authorities plan to use these new resorts to grow the international, inbound market. Insights on global trends indicate that certain markets, like the French, Belgian and UK, are keen on all-inclusive resorts. So having such resorts will go a long way in opening new European markets for KwaZulu-Natal and could possibly lead to more all-inclusive resorts, the KZN Tourism and Film Authority KZNTFA told T ourism Update .
The two resorts are emerging at a time when global demand for this type of all-inclusive resort is about to increase. According to Expedias Unpack 25 survey, all-inclusive resorts are starting to attract Generation Z travellers, with a third saying their perception of the resorts had changed for the better, and 42 saying an all-inclusive resort would be their preferred hotel type.
KZNTFA believes that these resorts are more suited to international travellers than the domestic market, as domestic travellers tend to look for shorter stays where they can explore the region more. International travellers prefer to stay in a place for longer periods with their activities part of a full-service package.