Mk Party Youth League Slams Gnu Alliance Between Anc And Da As 'political Greed'

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mk party youth league slams gnu alliance between anc and da as political greed

By Wendy Dondolo

The Umkhonto weSizwe Party Youth League (MKPYL) has condemned what it refers to as a 'sacrilegious pact' between the African National Congress, led by President Cyril Ramaphosa, and the Democratic Alliance (DA).

The MKPYL as the youth wing of the MKP, expressed grave concerns over the political alignment, which they claim undermines the legacy of South Africas fight against apartheid.

This weekend, the Government of National Unity finally took shape as Ramaphosa announced his Cabinet. The GNU Cabinet consists of ministers and deputy ministers from the ANC, DA, IFP, PA, PAC, FF+, Good and Al-Jama-ah.

The GNU Cabinet has been widely welcomed by many sectors in society, but the MKP youth are happy about the alignment.