Mchunu Should Prioritise Issue Of Police Killings: Popcru

2 Days(s) Ago    👁 45
mchunu should prioritise issue of police killings popcru

The Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (Popcru) says that the newly appointed Police Minister, Senzo Mchunu, should prioritise dealing with police killings.

Popcru says that the number of police officers being killed in the line of duty seems to be growing steadily on an annual basis, without any intervention.

The union made the plea following Mchunus appointment on Sunday evening by President Cyril Ramaphosa, who announced his cabinet.

Popcrus spokesperson, Richard Mamabolo says, "Weve got a number of cases reported on an annual basis, and the numbers seem to be growing without any form of intervention or a plan from the SAPS, and by the way this dates back to some few years because weve been having meetings with the operational people who are commissioners, about developing a plan and up to so far not much has been done."

" So, weve even had a Policing Indaba just last year wherein we engaged with different stakeholders, and part of the outcomes of that was that we need to obviously have legislative amendments made to ensure that all these killings become considered as treasonous, but as well as to review the criminal procedure act, Mamabolo adds.