Mbalula: Anc Will Not Tolerate Cadre Deployment That Prioritises Political Connections

mbalula anc will not tolerate cadre deployment that prioritises political connections

ANC secretary general Fikile Mbalula says the party will not tolerate cadre deployment that prioritises political connections over competence.

Only those who can effectively deliver services will be retained or appointed, Mbalula said.

A skills audit for all senior municipal managers in the Free State is being conducted to ensure qualified and competent individuals occupy key positions in municipalities.

Mbalula made the remarks on Monday while speaking to journalists at Windmill Casino in Bloemfontein after the partys national working committee NWC visit to branches in all five regions of the province.

Cadre deployment involves placing people in positions of authority in the state and other areas of influence. The policy has been challenged by the Democratic Alliance DA in court. Last year, DA suffered a knock after the Pretoria high court rejected, with costs, its application to have the ANCs cadre deployment policy declared unconstitutional.