Major Push Needed To Transform Economies And Meet Sdgs: Report

There is no "big push" towards policies to ensure inclusive and sustainable economic transformation ISET or towards joined-up implementation of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, according to a report by UK thinktank ODI.
While the report finds that international and national strategies have made progress on ISET policies, especially in the past five years, "progress on outcomes is lagging."
The report finds there is typically still a hierarchy that prioritises economic growth above social inclusion and poverty reduction, and in turn above ecological sustainability.
Second, there is not enough attention given in research and policy towards the necessary tradeoffs between environmental sustainability and social inclusion or poverty reduction, which the report says need to be actively managed.
The authors say that any successful strategy to implement ISET policies must acknowledge likely opposition from powerful interests, and develop tactics to address this, such as compensation for losses or public-private partnerships that favour ISET-aligned investment. They also say that strategies should "draw on the power of social movements and communities to hold the public and private sectors to account."