lost cat reunited with his family after seven years

Lost Cat Reunited With His Family After Seven Years

In a heartwarming tale of resilience and the undeniable bond of family, a cat named Padfoot has been jubilantly reunited with his owners after seven long years, all thanks to the incredible power of a microchip, reports Cape town Etc .

Padfoot was a tiny, malnourished kitten when Cathy Bird's young daughter, Kira, found him next to a dirt truck on the streets of Dubai and rescued him in 2009.

Kiras mother, Cathy Bird, recalls, ' He was so tiny and vulnerable we couldn't just leave him.

After bringing him into their family, they made the decision to move to South Africa a few years later, bringing their beloved feline companion with them.

However, things took a turn for the worse when the family brought home a new puppy. Over time, Padfoot's discomfort grew, culminating in him running away in search of solace.