Local Fantasy Author Set To Host Book Signing At Cavendish Square

South African author Gio Peters is set to host a meet and greet and book signing for his book, Third Time's the Charm, at Exclusive Books in Cavendish Square .
Third Time's the Charm , released in 2023, is the first instalment of his new book series, The Kingdom of Ura . This series follows a new character with every book and covers each of their fantastical adventures.
Third Time's the Charm follows Niamh Nestor, the third son born to the third son. He is promised to receive magical abilities on his sixteenth birthday, but instead is sent to a reform school for magical youths. Here he witnesses the true horrors hidden behind the school's walls.
Niamh must find out what secrets are being kept from him and his friends before it is too late.
Gio Peters, who completed his postgraduate in English literature at the University of Cape Town, describes The Kingdom of Ura series as queer positive, Victorian era fantasy and has previously discussed his adoration for the combination of these genres.