Lack Of Political Will Hinders Saatm

3 Hour(s) Ago    👁 37
lack of political will hinders saatm

A lack of political will by governments and politicians continues to hinder the implementation of the Single African Air Transport Market SAATM, says Airlines Association of Southern Africa AASA CEO, Aaron Munetsi .

SAATM, an AU initiative aimed at creating a unified transport market to expand the economic and social benefits of aviation across the continent, has gained some ground but is still a way off from being operational since its inception in 2018.

Speaking at the AASAs annual general assembly, Munetsi said that while SAATM had made some progress with 37 nations signed, there was a lack of political will to see it through.

We are still seeing governments that are acting in a protectionist way. I ask myself, what are they protecting? Comatose airlines?

While there is evidence to prove that SAATM will give airlines an opportunity to grow, this isnt always recognised.