Kzn Records Five Drownings In Two Weeks

Life Saving South Africa says KwaZulu-Natal has recorded five drownings in the space of two weeks .

The majority of these drownings happened at non-bathing beaches where lifeguards do not patrol.

Amongst the bathers who are reported to have drowned is a 13-year-old boy and his uncle who tried to rescue him after being caught in a rip current at a beach in Hibberdene.

President of Life Saving SA, Dhaya Sewduth says, Life Saving South Africa is concerned that the drowning is continuing to happen along the coastline. The incidents happened mostly on non-bathing beaches where there are no lifeguards patrolling. During the last two weeks, weve received reports of drownings that occurred at Umzumbe and another young man and his uncle who drowned at Hibberdene. And then an adult female drowned at an unpatrolled beach between pipeline and 30 Main Beach. Two weeks ago, an adult male drowned at Scarborough Beach after lifeguard duty hours had concluded for the day.