Kenya Intensifies Focus On Untapped Western Circuit

1 Days(s) Ago    👁 45
kenya intensifies focus on untapped western circuit

On World Tourism Day, September 27, Kenya has turned its focus to developing the countrys western tourism circuit a collection of attractions, parks, reserves and cultural sites across 10 counties. The circuit encompasses the counties of Kisumu (hosting the nations World Tourism Day celebrations), Bungoma, Busia, Homa Bay, Kakamega, Migori, Nyamira, Siaya, Trans Nzoia and Vihiga.

Speaking at Ndere Island National Park in Kisumu, State Department for Tourism Principal Secretary John Ololtuaa said all tourist sites in the region have been mapped out, laying the foundations for development, packaging and aggressive marketing.

The Ministry of Wildlife and Tourism, in collaboration with Kenya Tourism Board, will focus on Lake Victoria, water sports, islands, historical sites, cultural diversity and wildlife to boost tourist numbers.

Ololtuaa said top of the agenda is developing the necessary auxiliary infrastructure to ensure that sites are accessible and attractive to local and international tourists.

We have adopted a one-government approach to achieve this. Already there is an inter-ministerial team looking at what each of the government departments and agencies can contribute towards tourism development, promotion and sustainability.