Kelly Smith Says Joshlin Was Heading To West Africa

kelly smith says joshlin was heading to west africa

In a shocking revelation during the trial of three individuals accused of kidnapping and human trafficking, Racquel ' Kelly' Smith , mother of the missing Joshlin Smith , told her child's Grade 1 teacher that a Nigerian man had informed her that her daughter was being transported in a container to West Africa.

The testimony, given by teacher Edna Maart, detailed a conversation she had with Smith just days after Joshlin's disappearance on 23 February 2024. Maart recalled being surprised when Smith unexpectedly entered her car at a petrol station. Smith allegedly told her that she had received a call from a Nigerian man who informed her that Joshlin was in a container on a boat heading to West Africa. When asked how she knew the caller was Nigerian, Smith reportedly did not answer.

Smith also allegedly told the teacher, 'Just remember, Boeta is innocent,' a statement Maart interpreted as a reference to Smiths boyfriend, Jacquin 'Boeta' Appollis, who is co-accused in the case.

News24 reported that the testimony stunned the courtroom, with many in the public gallery visibly reacting to the chilling details. When Maart pressed Smith about whether she had contacted authorities, Smith said she had not due to fear that the Saldanha Bay community might harm her.

A state witness, Shakiera Ganief, a TikTok personality known as Shakes Warrior, testified in court as well. She shared that she herself had been a victim of crime but chose to fight back rather than succumb to depression.