Kamala Harris Mocks Donald Trump In Fiery Presidential Debate

6 Days(s) Ago    👁 50

By Emma Lacoste with Danny Kemp in Washington

Kamala Harris savaged Donald Trump as 'extreme' and the friend of dictators, while the Republican branded her a 'Marxist' in a bitter televised debate Tuesday that poured fuel on an already explosive US presidential election.

On hot-button issues ranging from abortion and race to the fate of US democracy, the two held their first -- and possibly only -- debate ahead of the November 5 election, with each hoping for a breakthrough in an agonizingly close race.

Trump, who only a few weeks ago had believed himself to be cruising to victory, reacted to pressure from Harris by raising his voice and resorting to the kinds of colorful invective and often meandering insults that he uses at his rallies.

Harris, 59, responded by looking on in amusement, then clearly got under his skin, declaring that she represents a fresh start after the 'mess' of the Trump presidency -- and saying: 'We're not going back.'