judge mbenenge incident broke me mengo

Judge Mbenenge Incident Broke Me: Mengo

Judges Secretary, Andiswa Mengo, has told the Judicial Conduct Tribunal tasked with probing sexual harassment allegations against Judge President Selby Mbenenge that the experience has broken her.

She has accused Mbenenge of sexual harassment in the form of in-person interaction and electronic communication. She will face tough questions over her evidence in chief when her cross-examination continues today.

Yesterday, evidence leader Adv. Salome Scheepers asked Mengo how the experience impacted her emotionally.

She responded by saying, "It broke me, it took away my dignity. It took away the kindness that I have always shown to my colleagues and people around. It left me naked and it tore me apart."

Mbenenges counsel, Adv. Muzi Sikhakhane grilled Mengo on evidence, that the respondents counsel perceives to contradict the contention that the advances were unwanted.