ipid phala phala report classified as top secret senzo mchunu says

Ipid Phala Phala Report Classified As 'top Secret,' Senzo Mchunu Says

A report by the Independent Police Investigative Directorate IPID on the Phala Phala farm break-in has been classified as top secret, Police Minister Senzo Mchunu says.

The report will therefore not be released to the public at this stage, he added in a written reply to a parliamentary question dated 28 February 2025.

IPIDs report on Phala Phala is top secret

African Transformation Movement ATM leader Vuyo Zungula wanted to know when IPID would release the finalised report on the handling of the investigation surrounding the breaking-in and theft at the farm, which is owned by President Cyril Ramaphosa.

In response, Mchunu said IPID completed its investigation and forwarded a Recommendation Report to the South African Police Service SAPS on 3 October 2023 for implementation.

IPID received the outcome from SAPS and was satisfied with the response. The Investigation Report has been classified Top-Secret in terms of the paragraph 3.4.4 of the Minimum Information Security Standards MISS and as such, until it is accordingly declassified, it would not be released for public consumption, he added.

According to the MISS paragraph cited by Mchunu, top secret is the classification given to information that can be used by malicious/opposing/hostile elements to neutralise the objectives and functions of institutions and/or state.

The break-in and theft of money in foreign currency at Ramaphosas Phala Phala game farm in Limpopo happened in 2020.

Former State Security Agency Director-General Arthur Fraser opened a case against Ramaphosa in 2022 on the matter, alleging bribery, kidnapping and money laundering. IPID got involved in the matter around this time.

The President denied the allegations. Subsequent probes by the Public Protector , South African Reserve Bank and SA Revenue Service cleared him of wrongdoing.

In October last year, the National Prosecuting Authority also declined to prosecute anyone in the matter, citing no reasonable prospect of a successful prosecution.