Industry Divided Over Short-term Rental Regulation

24 Days(s) Ago    👁 65
industry divided over shortterm rental regulation

The tourism industry is highly divided over whether the short-term rental industry in South Africa requires stricter regulation or further growth. Responding to our latest poll, which was based on emerging controversy surrounding an explosion of short-term rental property growth in Cape Town , 51% of readers said the industry should be more strictly regulated. The remaining 49% of respondents said further growth of the industry should be supported.

Some sections of the tourism and hospitality industries have argued that the increase in property prices caused by a proliferation of short-term rentals in Cape Town is resulting in unaffordable housing and the creation of transient zones within the city. Other stakeholders argue that the industry continues to play an essential role in the countrys tourism growth.

Should countries continue to increase park fees?

Sharp rises in fees to visit national parks such as the Maasai Mara have emerged as a bone of contention within the industry. In a supposed bid to combat over-tourism and generate additional revenue, the Maasai Mara National Reserve doubled its park fees in July from US$100 per day to US$200 per day for international visitors.