Increase In Cabinet Reflects Elections Outcome: Ntshavheni

3 Days(s) Ago    👁 71
increase in cabinet reflects elections outcome ntshavheni

Minister in the Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, says the much criticised increase in the size of the new national executive is a result of the recent elections outcome and the need to be inclusive.

The new Cabinet comprises of 76 members, which includes 32 Ministers and 43 Deputy Ministers

The GNU includes the ANC, IFP, Good Party, Inkatha Freedom Party, Patriotic Alliance, Pan African Congress of Azania, Freedom Front Plus, United Democratic Movement, Al Jama-ah, Rise Mzansi, and United African Transformation, among others.

Ntshavheni says other factors like the demographics of the country, geographic spread, youth and gender representation were also considered.

She briefed the media on the new Government of National Unity in Parliament yesterday.