Illegal Water Connections Lead To Increased Debt In Fs Municipalities

2 Hour(s) Ago    👁 29
illegal water connections lead to increased debt in fs municipalities

Opposition parties say illegal water connections as well as rampant water leakages have contributed to the increasing debt by municipalities in the Free State.

Five municipalities in the province owe water utility, Vaal Central Water about R 10 billion-rand.

Matjhabeng municipality with the biggest debt, owes R 6.9 billion followed by Mangaung with a R 978 000 debt.

Other owing municipalities are Kopanong, Nala and Mantsopa. The water utility says this is posing a threat to bulk water provision.

Vaal Central Waters operations and maintenance executive, Maruping Rapudungoane says, The debt owed by the municipalities has put pressure in our operations affecting our ability to maintain and also upgrade the infrastructure.