Iec Hosts Dialogue At Nmu Amid Decline In Young Voter Registration
A decline in young registered voters has prompted the Electoral Commission of South Africa IEC to host a dialogue at Nelson Mandela University in the Eastern Cape.
The theme of the dialogue was Strengthening democracy through youth participation. It covers several topics, including the introduction of electronic voting to keep up with the constant changes in technology.
The dialogue brought insightful discussions from the perspective of the youth on the complexities involved in strengthening democracy in South Africa.
The Director of the Universitys Center for Security, Peace, and Conflict Resolution, Professor Ntsikelelo Breakfast, says it is important for them to join forces with the IEC to promote democracy.
There has been a withdrawal of young people of late regarding Electoral participation so the aim of this event was to promote democracy but also to join forces with the IEC largely because theyre a facilitator of election but also as this centre we acknowledge the linkage we have with them because they stand for democracy, we stand for peace and without democracy you cannot have peace and security nor can you also have development.