Iata Urges Sa's Gnu To Give Economy Wings Through Aviation

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iata urges sas gnu to give economy wings through aviation

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has urged South Africa's new Government of National Unity (GNU) to continue prioritising the development of its aviation sector as a critical driver for economic growth and job creation.

South Africa's aviation industry is poised for significant growth over the next 20 years, adding 345 million additional passenger journeys by 2043, the organisations regional vice president of Africa and the Middle East, Kamil Al-Awadhi, said.

With aviation generating $6 in economic activity for every $1 spent, this expansion will inject billions into South Africas GDP and create thousands of new jobs.

It is important for the new government to keep this as a strategic focus.

The economic and social benefits of aviation will be maximized with a sharp policy focus on keeping costs low, providing sufficient capacity to grow, monitoring the cost-effectiveness of regulations, and achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Priorities to strengthen South Africas aviation industry were addressed at IATAsWings of Change Focus Africa Conference(Wocfa) in Johannesburg.

It has brought industry leaders and representatives of governments and aviation safety and training entities together with the purpose of identifying concrete actions to strengthen aviation in Africa and optimise it for broader sustained economic growth.

Specifically, IATA urged the new government to focus on:

Infrastructure Costs: Ensure continuous consultation between Airports Corporation South Africa (ACSA) and Air Traffic Navigation Services (ATNS) and their airline customers. Such consultation must ensure that the services provided are aligned with airline needs, efficient, and cost-effective. Safety Leadership: Maintain a leadership role in southern Africa on safety, particularly with respect to the implementation of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices. South Africa's Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) has already shown a great example of leadership on global standards by recognizing the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) as an acceptable means of compliance in alignment with South Africas aviation safety regulations. Skills Development: Continue to develop the world-class skills needed to support the aviation sector. A recent training agreement between IATA and ATNS is a good example of the cooperation that will position South Africas aviation sector to expand connectivity while creating quality jobs in the sector. Sustainability: Focus on policies that will support aviations net zero carbon emissions by 2050 commitment, a goal that is shared with governments globally.

This is a win-win agenda for the new government, in facilitating trade, encouraging investment and addressing unemployment, Al-Awadhi said.

South Africa's aviation sector has had challenging times in recent years.

But that has not changed the fundamental fact that aviation is a critical enabler for economic growth and prosperity.

If the new government keeps a focus on safety, sustainability, skills development and costs, it will chart a course to renewed strength in aviation that will have a positive impact across the economy, he added.

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