I View Voting As An Act Of Patriotism, Which Is Why I Will Be Voting On Election Day

101 Days(s) Ago    👁 37
i view voting as an act of patriotism which is why i will be voting on election day

Thirty years ago, South Africans of all races came out in numbers to vote together for the first time, they came out to vote not because they had nothing better to do but because they understood the power of a single vote to generate meaningful change.

As we fast approach the 2024 General elections , I just, as they did, believe that the only plausible way to effect real change in society is by casting my ballot. That is why I will be voting on Wednesday.

Over the last couple of months, I have watched the news, read the newspapers, and listened to what the different political parties have to offer, and now I bear the responsibility to ensure that the party that best aligns with my beliefs and aspirations is voted into power.

The fact is that even if I decide not to vote that would not prevent the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) from pronouncing the winner when all the voting and counting of votes has been completed and with that weighing heavily in mind.

I simply cannot afford to have a political party with policies and beliefs that I disagree with being voted into power because I did not vote.

Furthermore, I consider voting as an act of patriotism and a significant responsibility that should not be taken lightly, especially since in other certain parts of the world people dont have the right to have leaders of their own choosing .

Others have often argued that voting does not bring any meaningful change, however, since when has inaction produced any change? Granted, South Africa is riddled with challenges from load-shedding, crime, and corruption however, I believe these challenges should be the driving factor behind every South African's decision to go to the voting station to vote.