Human Rights Remain A Pipe Dream For Farmworkers

9 Days(s) Ago    👁 57
human rights remain a pipe dream for farmworkers

When South Africa transitioned from apartheid to the new political dispensation in 1994, there was high optimism about a better life for all. Indeed, there is evidence of pockets of improvement in different aspects of life.

When the new Constitution was crafted, it stated that it enshrines the rights of all people of our country and affirms the democratic values of human dignity, equality and freedom.

Amongst the rights envisioned by the Constitution was the right to life. Chapter 2 Section 11 states that everyone has the right to life.

While these constitutional rights are there and apply to everyone in theory, to farmworkers these rights remain a pipe dream and a far-fetched reality. Their rights are violated daily without recourse. Ironically, even on election day some of them are forced by their bosses to work thereby forfeiting their right to vote.

Between elections, many South Africans across all walks of life enjoy their rights. They move around freely, attend gatherings of various sorts, such as religious and political gatherings, and invoke their freedom of association, privacy, etc. This does not happen with many farmworkers.