Huawei's Plan To End Reliance On Windows And Android

2 Days(s) Ago    👁 56
huaweis plan to end reliance on windows and android

The collection is at the Harmony Ecosystem Innovation Centre in the southern city of Shenzhen, a local government-owned entity that encourages authorities, companies and hardware makers to develop software using OpenHarmony, an open-source version of the operating system Huawei launched five years ago after US sanctions cut off support for Googles Android.

While Huaweis recent strong-selling smartphone launches have been closely watched for signs of advances in Chinas chip supply chain, the company has also quietly built up expertise in sectors crucial to Beijings vision of technology self-sufficiency, from operating systems to in-vehicle software.

President Xi Jinping last year told the Communist Partys elite politburo that China must wage a difficult battle to localise operating systems and other technology as soon as possible as the US cracks down on exports of advanced chips and other components.

OpenHarmony is now being widely promoted within China as a national operating system amid concerns that other major companies could be severed from the Microsoft Windows and Android products upon which many systems rely.

This strategic move will likely erode the market share of Western operating systems like Android and Windows in China, as local products gain traction, said Sunny Cheung, an associate fellow at the Jamestown Foundation, a US defence policy group.