How To Remove Yellow Stains From Pillows Without A Washing Machine

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how to remove yellow stains from pillows without a washing machine

Remove tough pillow stains using two kitchen items without using a washing machine or bleach .

Pillows are not something households are conscious about cleaning regularly compared to bed sheets and can be left for months without cleaning, even when they gather nasty yellow stains.

Pillows can get dirty easily as they collect dead skin, sweat, makeup, and other bacteria as we sleep on them. This means they need to be cleaned thoroughly often to avoid the yellow stains becoming a permanent feature.

If you notice a stain on your pillow, the first thing you need to do is check your pillow's care label, so you know how to wash it without it being damaged.

Although most pillows can be cleaned in the washing machine, feather pillows and memory foam often need to be hand-washed .