How To Plan Your Own Poker Night

7 Days(s) Ago    👁 38
how to plan your own poker night

You need to fix the location where you are going to host the game. It can be at your place, your hall, balcony all can be used for that. If you have an open terrace, then great! However, arranging the game on an open terrace during winter can not be really a good idea. Therefore, think about the weather conditions too.

The location of the game matters, because you need to decorate the space into the poker spirit. You can hang down fairly lights and more, maybe have a disco light. Or set up the mood by lighting a few candles here and there in the room. Also, do not forget about the music. You can play something based on the crowd that you have invited. It would be best if you could make a similar casino ambiance while you plan for a poker night.

The day and time matters

Your poker night should take place on the perfect day. Many people think the weekends may not be the perfect time. Because everyone will have a plan on the weekend and no one wants to spill that for poker. However, it all depends on your crowd. You can check in with your fellow buddies and then decide the day.

Typically, it is advised to host the poker night on a day other than the weekend. Although, you may not want to plan it for Monday night, as well. Beascue, it is when the weekday starts and people may be tired and all. Think of other weekdays, the middle ones.