How To Keep Your Gut Healthy While Travelling

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how to keep your gut healthy while travelling

Packing your bags and setting off on a new adventure is an exciting prospect. But for many of us, the thrill of travel is often accompanied by an unwelcome travel companion - digestive distress.

Whether its airplane bloat, vacation constipation, or dreaded travellers diarrhoea, our guts can really take a beating when we hit the road.

What is it about the act of travelling that so easily upsets the delicate balance of our digestive systems? As it turns out, the very things that make travel so enriching - new foods, disrupted routines, increased stress - can wreak havoc on our gut health.

When we step out of our normal environments, our bodies are forced to adapt to a whole new set of conditions. The gut, being highly sensitive to change, often bears the brunt of this adjustment process.

Suddenly having to contend with unfamiliar cuisines, irregular mealtimes, and the physical stresses of travel can leave our stomachs in knots and our digestive tracts in turmoil.