How Rising Costs Are Shrinking Profits For Joburg Street Vendors And Traditional Healers

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how rising costs are shrinking profits for joburg street vendors and traditional healers

The cost of living is a daily concern for many South Africans. From housing to food to transportation, expenses can add up quickly.

This increase in the cost of living has had a devastating impact on informal small business owners in the city of Johannesburg, with many struggling to stay afloat amidst rising expenses.

On Wednesday, The Citizen took to the streets to ask small business owners about their experiences, concerns and hopes for the future. Heres what they had to say

The struggle to stay afloat

Vegetable vendors, snack vendors, and traditional healers all struggle to stay afloat amid the volatile economic fluctuations and rising cost of living .

For vegetable vendors like Sboniso Sbango, the increase in the cost of living has meant a significant rise in the cost of raw materials. When I go for stocking at the market to buy, I find the price of vegetables to be significantly high, resulting in me not getting the expected profit when I sell this side, she says.