How Home Affairs Officials Illegally Sell Sa Passports And Birth Certificates

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how home affairs officials illegally sell sa passports and birth certificates

Undocumented migrants have been purchasing South African birth certificates for as little as R1 000 and passports for up to R45 000 as corruption within the Department of Home Affairs continues to fuel the illicit trade, Cape {town} Etc reports.

According to News24 , Home Affairs Minister Leon Schreibe r revealed that 109 corruption cases have been reported to the department's Counter Corruption and Security Services branch for investigation as syndicate leaders and corrupt officials continue to process illegal documents under the cover of night at centres across South Africa.

In response to a parliamentary question from EFF MP Yazini Tetyana, Schreiber said a comprehensive strategy has been developed to address the growing fraud and corruption risks within the department.

'The objectives of the said strategy are to, among others, recommend, advise and assist the department by putting measures in place to improve the application of systems, policies, procedures and regulations to clamp down on fraudulent activities.

'Where evidence exists that department officials, as well as immigration officers, have committed acts of misconduct, such cases shall be handled in accordance with the relevant legislative prescripts, departmental disciplinary code and procedures.'