hollywood african cinema connection 2025 a film festival defining the africanfilm landscape

Hollywood African Cinema Connection 2025: A Film Festival Defining The African-film Landscape

Cape Town, South Africa The Hollywood African Cinema Connection HACC is set to become a defining moment for African film-makers in 2025.

Scheduled to take place in the heart of Cape Town, the event promises to not only showcase the rich and diverse talent of African cinema but also introduce groundbreaking solutions to address long-standing industry challenges.

The event is produced by Holocene Films, a film production company which specialises in emerging technologies such as Blockchain and AI, and The African Film DAO, a community of film-makers who have been onboarded to embrace these technologies as well as foster a spirit of collaboration.

HACC will take place from April 11 to 14 at Waterkant Studios in Cape Town.

The first edition took place in LA 2024, where African films were showcased to a Los Angeles audience and cemented ties with Hollywoodland DAO, among its founders are Terrence Winter, producer and writer of The Sopranos and The Wolf of Wall Street , and the New Hollywood Movement, founded by Evette Vargas - an award winning writer, director and producer featured in 'Forbes' and named New York Times' 'Artist to watch.