Hlabisa Reiterates Ifp's Crucial Role In South Africa's History

hlabisa reiterates ifps crucial role in south africas history

Inkatha Freedom Party IFP President Velenkosini Hlabisa says the 50th celebration of the party marks a great legacy and is testimony to its perseverance and integrity.

Hlabisa was delivering the keynote address at the partys 50th-anniversary celebrations in Ulundi to thousands of IFP supporters.

He says when other political parties were silenced and forced into exile by the apartheid regime, the IFP became the lone voice that demanded the release of Nelson Mandela and the unbanning of all parties.

Hlabisa explains that the government at the time could not ban the IFP because it had been founded as a national cultural liberation movement.

Hlabisa has also led tributes to the partys founder Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi. Reflecting on the partys 50 years in politics, Hlabisa called it a journey of good and difficult times.