hijacked buildings in joburg cbd should be expropriated zikalala

Hijacked Buildings In Joburg Cbd Should Be Expropriated: Zikalala

The Deputy Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure, Sihle Zikalala, says hijacked buildings in the Johannesburg CBD should be expropriated without compensation.

This after President Cyril Ramaphosa called on the provincial government to use the Expropriation Act as a tool to reclaim abandoned and hijacked buildings.

Ramaphosa conducted a two-day visit to the CBD ahead of the G20 Summit in November.

VIDEO President Cyril Ramaphosa has called for Joburg to be revitalised ahead of the G2o summit:

Zikalala says this is a necessary step to restoring the CBD.

"These types of buildings are hijacked, others are vandalised. They are a risk. We cant pay for something that is already a risk to the people. And therefore, these buildings should form part of expropriation with nil compensation. And it is in the interest of the public to ensure that we protect the citizens and the livelihoods of the people who are in the inner city and the business community. We must restore the glory of our CBDs."